The Direct Hire Process: What to Expect from a Staffing Agency

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Direct hire staffing means that on behalf of a company, a reliable staffing agency will handle different recruiting tasks. This includes sourcing and reviewing resumes as well as screening and interviewing candidates.

After deciding the candidates to pass along, the final interviews will be performed by the client. The hiring decision will also be made with guidance and support from the staffing organization. After an offer is made and accepted, the new employee will be included in the client’s payroll. 

When recruiting for a new role, companies may choose from one of the following: 

The Direct Hire Process

The Direct Hire Process Tier2Tek

Posting Open Direct Hire Employment Opportunities 

Generally, direct hire employment is more attractive to passive candidates. This employment method has social inclusion and job security with other additional benefits. Therefore, direct employment opportunities always attract a wide range of candidates which leads to many qualified applicants.

The direct hire staffing agency will have a wide network of candidates that goes beyond what an HR department of a company would have access to. Additionally, the staffing agency has the tools, expertise, and resources to connect with them on your behalf.  

Vetting and Interviewing Direct Hire Candidates 

The main benefit of outsourcing your direct hire process is that the staffing company is responsible for the tedious recruiting tasks on behalf of your organization. Once they start to search for candidates and get enough applications, their recruiters will continue to handle the basic procedures which include reviewing resumes and conducting screenings.

Once the staffing company has a list of qualified candidates, they will be sent to the client for final interviews. Consequently, the organization is equipped with insight from the staffing agency to make the final decision on whether to hire or not. 

Experienced and successful employment agencies attract a wide range of potential direct hire candidates, while having the manpower and knowledge to fill an open position effectively and efficiently. In addition, the company executives will have time to focus on another aspect of the business. 

Direct Hire Candidate Placement

After your organization has conducted final interviews and made the decision to hire the candidate that your recruitment agency has sent to you, an offer can be made.

Once the offer is accepted, the new hire will be added to your payroll. This new hire will become part of the organization team and they can take advantage of employee benefits. 

Why Hire the Right Staffing Agency to Make the Direct hire Process Successful?

Why Hire the Right Staffing Agency to Make the Direct hire Process Successful

Working with any staffing agency is not enough. However, partnering with a professional and experienced staffing agency is the key to direct hire staffing. An organization needs to do enough research and find the recruiting agency whose direct hire process aligns with the needs of your company.  Consequently, you need a professional recruiting organization that has the essential skill in attracting, screening, and interviewing potential candidates. Additionally, ensure you find a staffing agency that has an adaptive and flexible style that makes it easy for the client to accomplish their direct hire staffing objectives.