Solved: Outlook – Turn Off Spell Check When Sending Email

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How to Turn Off or Disable Auto Spell Check When Sending an Email

Step 1

Open outlook and click on the “File” tab on the top left-hand corner.

Step 1 - Outlook - Turn Off Spell Check When Sending Email - Tier2Tek

Step 2

Click on “Options” on the bottom of the left-hand side.

Step 2 - Outlook - Turn Off Spell Check When Sending Email

Step 3

A new window will open. Under the “Mail” tab, uncheck “Always check spelling before sending“.

Step 3 - Outlook - Turn Off Spell Check When Sending Email - Tier2Tek

The annoying, auto correct pop-up window before sending an email is now gone. Auto correction or the “check spelling as you type” is still enabled. Therefore, outlook will still recommend spelling and grammar correction as you type. However, when you send the email, you will no longer get the spell check pop-up window.