Best Side Gigs for Professionals in Their 40s – How to Make Cash

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Generation Z and the back half of Millenials have seen the introduction and success of the start-up revolution. They’ve seen people get rich off of social media, make a living off of Uber, and sell their art on applications like Etsy. Therefore, the new-age vision of what modern employment looks like is very skewed from what you may see. Side gigs have become valuable working options that are just a click (or drive) away. It’s no longer starting a paper route or informing your neighborhood that you are the person for any extra lawn care needs.

Are we aging ourselves?

Point of the matter: times are weird. We are currently witnessing the uneasy calm that rears its ugly and easy head directly before the storm that is a recession. Labor shortages are happening across various industries, but juggernaut corporations are cutting employees at an alarming rate in preparation for an economic decline that isn’t necessarily certain. The need for side cash may be at an all-time high, and luckily, as we noted, the availability of side gigs is at an all-time high, as well.

So, let’s delve into the best available side gigs in 2023!

Are You Calling Me Senior?

Now, you may look at the title and notice a bit of bias. In this article, we are targeting those professionals that are past their junior stages. We are talking about those from 40 and beyond. Those that have already gone through the beginning steps of their career, carving out niches into senior roles.

Does it make a difference in the side jobs themselves? Not at all. It’s not as if people in their 40s cannot do all of the same physical and mental tasks as those before them. Mostly, the skew here is that desires may be different. You may no longer be striving toward side jobs that will help further your real career. You are probably just looking for extra money or a way to change up the monotony of your long-term career. In fact, a 2019 study by Wonolo found that nearly one-third of Baby Boomers (31%) were doing more than 3 gigs per week on the site. In contrast, a little more than 1 in 5 Millennials (22%) complete more than 3 gigs per week. That means Baby Boomers were adding an addition $573.55 a month on average to their existing income.

Obviously, our title points toward Gen X, not Baby Boomers (though we are speaking about anyone over 40). But, the point is that side jobs aren’t for just the young.

Simply put, the difference here is the endgame. While younger professionals may be completing side gigs to fund their future careers or look for a way to make connections, older professionals are probably just looking for money.

And we love money… So let’s talk about it.

What Makes a Side Gig a Side Gig?

Now, before diving into a list of jobs and hustles, we must note what exactly a side gig is.

Is a side gig just an extra way to make money, or is it some mystical drive that only the most energetic of professionals can tap into? Cause, I can’t like, my gauge for extracurricular work seems both dry and left behind.

Ultimately, a side gig is simply supplemental income. If you are making money outside of your normal career, you have a side job. The difference is connotation. While a part-time job at your local retail store would technically be considered a side gig, it’s not one of the ones most people refer to.

The side gigs that most people refer to as their supplemental hustle involve working on your own schedule or being a freelancer (i.e. freelance writing, tutoring, and selling personal goods). They are often jobs that involve 1099 tax forms.

Now that we’ve got that wrapped up…

The Best Side Gigs for Professionals and Retirees

You may be older than 40 and have decided to retire. Amongst your days of leisure, you have decided that you long for responsibility and communication, causing you to ponder potential side hustles. Or, you are in your 40s or 50s and have financial needs (like all of us during a significant uptick in inflation).

Regardless of your needs or reasons, you are looking into potential side gigs. As a staffing agency, we have seen all of the following hustles work, causing eager workers to inflate their extra income. Luckily, all of the options below can be done in congruence with a normal 9 to 5, helping bolster that overall salary.

Enough rambling. Let’s get to it.


If you are an expert in your industry or specific field, you may be able to make some side money being a consultant for less-experienced members of the craft. Since you’re experienced and professional, others may be willing to pay you to give them advice on finances, production, image, or forward movements.

While there isn’t a nifty app for consultant jobs like some of the other items on this list, consultant gigs are all over job boards. Companies are always looking for seasoned vets to come give them advice, even if just for a brief period of time. It could be an act of giving a single presentation, answering questions via email, or dropping in for analysis once a week.

Consultant gigs can be extremely flexible, making them great side gigs if you qualify.

Social Media Manager

Though you aren’t a sparkling, green-eyed youth during the prime of the social media age, you’ve seen the internet start and thrive. You’ve been a part of the genesis of sites like Facebook and Twitter. You know social media inside and out.

If this sounds like you, you may want to look into social media gigs for businesses in your area. Companies, especially privately-run businesses, are always looking for freelance social media managers to help them build their brands. It can be as simple as running a local company’s Facebook during the day; something that can easily be done while working another job.

While a social media job that requires payroll and full attention may be considered a full-time job, local businesses may be willing to pay you for your part-time internet work. If you know local small businesses, ask them if they need help running their websites. It could be some good side cash.

Virtual Assistant

Remote assistant jobs have become all the rage in the past few years, especially in the mobile aftermath that was the COVID lockdown.

We wrote an entire article on virtual assistant gigs here, but we’ll quote from it directly.

Simply put, a remote assistant is, well, an assistant that works remotely. Is that enough info? Can we move on?

Jokes aside, the overall tasks of a remote assistant vary. Whether it be helping with social media, answering emails, making schedules, or making phone calls, the assistant is there to help with anything a business or professional needs.

When a small business is launching, the owner may be bogged down with hands-on tasks at the physical location. They may not have enough employees to fill out every aspect of work. A virtual assistant can be brought on to help with tasks from a remote location. This work may vary from part-time to full-time with degrees of difficulty.

Firstly, putting together an overview of what a remote assistant does can be difficult. But here are some examples.

  • Social media management
  • Answering calls and emails
  • Scheduling calendars and appointments (whether for business or the employer’s personal tasks)
  • Preparing reports or analysis
  • Personal tasks (running errands, making calls, etc.)
  • Event management

Honestly, this list can go on for eternity. At the end of the day, it all depends on what type of company the assistant is working for. For example, an assistant at a dog food company may be tasked with sending advertising emails to local pet stores. The options are truly endless.

Becoming a remote assistant may be your best starting point if you are looking for diverse work done in the comfort of your home.


Much like the consultant idea, if you are a master or expert in your field (or another skill you’ve picked up), you may want to look into helping out the youth!

Are you extremely knowledgeable about a subject? Do you have a degree in history going to waste? Maybe you are a senior in your applicable field and have a wealth of knowledge to share. Websites like make earning extra income a breeze. Furthermore, the requirements for online tutoring are not extensive. Usually, they just require a high school degree and proof of knowledge about the subject.

There’s nothing better than helping the youth build a better future. As an expert, you are the perfect candidate to help them grow.

Become a Music Teacher

This bounces off the tutoring gig, but music teachers are always in high demand, too. Even if you didn’t work as a musician before, your inherent musical knowledge can be of use for your side gigs.

One-on-one instructions can now be done over video applications, and there is always the concept of teaching local children or adults. Anyone of any age may be in need of a music teacher, creating a wide net of potential candidates and clients. You just need to get started and build a repertoire amongst local students.

Being a music teacher does require significant knowledge of music, requiring the creation of lesson plans and critiques. But, if you have always wanted to make your side passion a side gig, this is the way to go.

Rent Out a Room

Got an extra room in your house? Live alone and are willing to indulge in the company or a roommate? Have a spare living space that could be turned into a place to stay?

Opening up your living space or extra house to potential tenants or Airbnb visitors can allow for an influx of income that requires nothing but available space. You can literally make money by doing nothing but providing shelter to visitors or tenants.

With having a roommate, you will have to go through the creation of a rentable living space and a lease, adhering to tenant laws in your state. Luckily, once it’s done, you won’t need to fuss with it for the length of a lease. That’s months of extra income.

If you are making your space an Airbnb (or an equivalent service), you will have to clean it after every stay. It’s still easy money, though.

Dog Walker

Do you love animals? Need to get some extra exercise and enjoy the serotonin boost of beautiful puppies? There are apps like Rover that allow you to walk and petsit for others.

No, really. You can get paid for hanging out with animals. The ultimate side job.

We won’t spend too much time on this side gig. It’s pretty self-explanatory. You get paid to hang out with animals. There are a few hoops to jump through for the safety of yourself and others, but once done, you can begin making that extra pet cash!

Freelance Writing

Let’s jump back to freelancing sites like Fiverr and TaskRabbit. Freelancing gigs do not just apply to working from your computer or sketchpad. Sometimes people are looking for handy workers or knowledgeable craftsmen. For example, there are plenty of posts on Fiverr and Craigslist looking for people to install cabinets in a home.

Fortunately, you do not have to be a licensed or registered tradesman to pick up these gigs. If you’ve got a knack for woodwork, see if anyone needs help. Furthermore, you can advertise yourself on these sites as available if anyone needs help.

Little side story: I once knew a person that had a passion for building pool tables. Weird hobby, I know. He would create them out of wood and finish them with felt. He spent his off days doing it. Ultimately, he was making more money off his pool tables than from his day-to-day job. That’s one way to rack ’em up (yes, I went there).

We live in a strange and beautiful world.

Fill Out Surveys

If you are the type to spend countless hours surfing around the web, you might as well find ways to garner income while aimlessly clicking. Luckily, there are gigs like Sites like that allow you to take quick surveys and make money from them.

The better part: they can be done through mobile web browsers and at any time. Therefore, you can fill out surveys and make money while sitting at the park, waiting for public transit, or laying in bed. Cha-ching.

As a staffing agency, we use surveys to gather information for interesting and useful topics. We can then take that information to help better the future of employment. Henceforth, filling out surveys is more than just busy work. It can help shape the way our world works. It’s not just a pointless side gig.

Sell Your Clothes or Other Products

Enjoy altering clothes? Have a wonderful time painting niche pictures or crafting unique pottery? Ever thought about making money for your tangible side hobbies?

Etsy and other good-selling sites have made the world of commerce incredibly personal and approachable. It takes close to nothing to create an account and start selling your crafted goods. In fact, I complete the majority of my Christmas shopping on sites like Etsy. It allows me to buy unique items with proceeds going directly to the creators.

If you have clothes or items to sell that you don’t create, you can always auction them off on eBay. In fact, people who thrift shop and resell clothes on apps like Depop make a killing. It’s fun to venture through your local second-hand shops for treasure, too.

It’s the future of both side gigs and shopping.

Furthermore, if you have a marketable service like clothing alterations, you can put out an ad for local clients. You never know when a neighbor or friend needs something hemmed.

Become a Rideshare Driver or Deliverer

Driving and delivering for apps like Uber has become the most stereotypical of side gigs, but that’s for a genuine reason. There are over 1 million drivers on Uber and other ridesharing applications for a reason. It’s fast money that can be done at any time. Any time. Regardless of the hour, someone in a populated city will need a ride or delivery.

It’s easy, flexible, pays well, and allows you to get out of the house. If you crave the social interactions of the real world, you can get that, too. A wide majority of Uber drivers are older workers that are just looking for a reason to talk and meet people.

If you are craving a stable side gig that gets you out of the house, you know where to go. Go drive people around or deliver goods!

We won’t go on too long about this. By 2023, everyone knows about ridesharing apps.

Clean Houses or Condos

Depending on what area of the country you live in, there may be summer (or winter) condos and houses that need cleaning. Furthermore, there are busy homeowners that are willing to pay to have the sweeping taken off their shoulders.

Obtaining a Vendor’s License is a simplistic process and allows you to clean for taxable pay. This work can be done on weekends, overnights, or whenever you find yourself free. It may be a little more complicated in the starting process, but it can provide a great side job, especially if you live in a tourist area with seasonal homes.

Starting equipment prices are low and some homeowners may provide you with their preferred equipment. Slap on some music and get to work. Some people find cleaning a soothing experience. Make some money from it.

Local Tour Guide

Are you an expert in your area? Know every nook and cranny of your hometown? A historian of all the town happenings and past ventures? Believe it or not, tour guides still exist, and if you are a veteran in your area, you are the perfect candidate.

Much like ridesharing, becoming a local tour guide will allow you to get out of the house and socialize. It also allows you to become a vital member of your community, if you aren’t already.

Ultimately, the availability of tour guide gigs depends entirely on your area. If you live in a big city, a town with a nearby tourist attraction, or a historical area, there are likely tour gigs available.

It’s a unique side job, but it’ll still help pay the bills.

Personal Chef

Thought people being able to order personal rides or private dog walkers was a crazy bit of modern technology? Think again. With new services like Dinner Elf, you can become an on-call chef.

If you have a history of restaurant experience or are just a hobbyist cook, becoming a private chef can be a lucrative side gig.

With Dinner Elf, for example, you are required to buy the grocery list, go to the client’s kitchen, and cook the food. You don’t even have to bring your own equipment. You use other people’s kitchens and utensils.

There are plenty of other similar apps if Dinner Elf doesn’t work for you. Some require just buying someone’s groceries. Some just have you come and cook. There are a plethora of options.

Start a Blog or Youtube Channel

Ever read one of our articles and thought to yourself, “Hey, I can do that”?

First of all, thanks. I will try to take that as a compliment.

Second of all, do it. Starting a blog is simple. Sure, depending on the domain site you use, it may take some learning how to code or set things up, but most domains like Squarespace are extremely user-friendly.

Write blog posts in your free time. Pick a niche that you are interested in and create content about it. This side gig may not be the quickest in terms of payment, for it might take years before you see income from it, but it’s easy to do. If you enjoy writing, it’s a great excuse to do it in your spare time. Who knows? Eventually, it could end up being solid side gigs.

This can also go for video creation like starting a Youtube channel.

Advertising on social media and Youtube has become a respectable source of income. Youtubers and Instagram influencers can make up to millions. This isn’t us trying to sell you a beach-front property in Arizona, but it is a look at an exorbitant ceiling. Sure, only a small percentage of social media characters reach that point, but we are aiming at a side hustle here, not a full-time job.

If you enjoy making videos, creating art, or taking photographs, post and promote them. It’s something you’d do in your spare time, so why not see if they could lead to income?